Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 7, 2014

List hàng IFM Vietnam | Model: IA5083 | IFM sensor Việt Nam

IFM Vietnam  CR0505
IFM Vietnam  KI0017
IFM Vietnam  SI5000
IFM Vietnam  IE5082-IEB3001 ANOG
IFM Vietnam  OJ5048
IFM Vietnam  IGT20A 
IFM Vietnam  IB 5063 
IFM Vietnam Please confirm with me before ordering IGT20A
IFM Vietnam Sensors  Model: IA5083
IFM Vietnam Sensors 
IFM Vietnam Sensors   II0104; U=230VAC
IFM Vietnam Sensors   Speed monitor        
IFM Vietnam Sensors   Oder no: DD0001 – AC:230V  50Hz/5VADC: 24V/5VA
IFM Vietnam Sensors   PL2658
IFM Vietnam  OJ5030
IFM Vietnam  OJ5031
IFM Vietnam  OJ5048
IFM Vietnam  OJ5071
IFM Vietnam  IGS 250
IFM Vietnam  IGS 200
IFM Vietnam  05S500
IFM Vietnam  KI5065
IFM Vietnam  05H500 05H FPKG/US
IFM Vietnam  PN5001
IFM Vietnam  PN5002
IFM Vietnam  PN5003
IFM Vietnam  PN5004
IFM Vietnam  SI5000
IFM Vietnam  GG505S
IFM Vietnam  IFT202
IFM Vietnam  IFT207
IFM Vietnam  IFT206
IFM Vietnam  IB5063
IFM Vietnam  PN2024
IFM Vietnam  IA0032
IFM Vietnam  II5910
IFM Vietnam  DI 5001/ DIA3010-ZPKG
IFM Vietnam  Frequency Converter
24VDC, Configurable Input And Output
IFM Vietnam EVT006
IFM Vietnam EVT004
IFM Vietnam EVT005
IFM Vietnam EVT123
IFM Vietnam EVT124

List hàng IFM Vietnam | SL5105 SLG23CEEAKOG/24VDC | IFM sensor Việt Nam

IFM Vietnam  SI5000
IFM Vietnam SI5000 
IFM Vietnam SI5000
IFM Vietnam SI5006
IFM Vietnam SI5010
IFM Vietnam SL5105
IFM Vietnam  SM6001
IFM Vietnam  Speed Monitor
IFM Vietnam ST0570
IFM Vietnam  Switching Amplifier
IFM Vietnam  TA 3430: IFM 
IFM Vietnam TN7530
instead of: TN7531
IFM Vietnam TN7531 
IFM Vietnam  TR2413 *** Unknown
IFM Vietnam TR2432
IFM Vietnam  TS2056 (TS2056)
IFM Vietnam  TS2256 (TS 2256)
IFM Vietnam TT1250                         
IFM Vietnam  U20172
IFM Vietnam IB5063-IBE3020-FPKG
IFM Vietnam E21159 
IFM Vietnam E20454 
IFM Vietnam IG 5497 
IFM Vietnam IGS205
IFM Vietnam IFC204  
IFM Vietnam IFT203
IFM Vietnam IIT205
IFM Vietnam IM5115
IFM Vietnam OGT 500
IFM Vietnam IGS204 
IFM Vietnam IG500A/IGA3008-BPKGA/55V/3D
IFM Vietnam DR2005
IFM Vietnam IA5045 - IA 3010 - BPKG
IFM Vietnam IB5065 - IB 3020 - BPKG
IFM Vietnam IN5219 - IN 3004 - BPKG
IFM Vietnam IF5329 - IFA 3004 - BPKG
IFM Vietnam correct: KIE3015 FPKG/NI
IFM Vietnam SIR11ABBFPKG/US-100-IPF                        
IFM Vietnam SID10ADB100G/US-100                               
IFM Vietnam SID10ADBFPKG/US-100                               
IFM Vietnam code: ST0521
replace by: SR5900 
IFM Vietnam code: ST0521
replace by: SF2405 
IFM Vietnam IGT20A
IFM Vietnam PK-010-RFG14-HCPKG/US/ /W                  
IFM Vietnam PI-010-RES30-MFRKG/US/      /P                                   
IFM Vietnam PN-010-RBR14-MFRKG/US/      /V              
IFM Vietnam PK-025-SFG14-HCPKG/US/      /W              

List hàng IFM Vietnam | DI 5001/ DIA3010-ZPKG | IFM sensor Việt Nam

IFM Vietnam TR-...KDBR12-MFRKG/US/....../V               
IFM Vietnam Adaptor, 3/4"NPT M18,
IFM Vietnam SI5000
IFM Vietnam GG505S
IFM Vietnam IFT202
IFM Vietnam IFT207
IFM Vietnam IFT206
IFM Vietnam IB5063
IFM Vietnam PN2024
IFM Vietnam IA0032
IFM Vietnam II5910
IFM Vietnam DI 5001/ DIA3010-ZPKG
IFM Vietnam PA3021, 0-250BAR,4-20mA. 
IFM Vietnam SI 1000 SID 10ABFPKG/US 100  
IFM Vietnam KB 5014 KB-3020-BPKG INT
IFM Vietnam SI5000
IFM Vietnam KI5065
IFM Vietnam IGS 250
IFM Vietnam IGS 200
IFM Vietnam 05S500
IFM Vietnam OJ5030
IFM Vietnam OJ5031
IFM Vietnam OJ5048
IFM Vietnam OJ5071
IFM Vietnam 05H500 05H FPKG/US
IFM Vietnam TN7530
instead of: TN7531
IFM Vietnam SI2200
instead of: SI6700
IFM Vietnam SI5006
IFM Vietnam IG0400 IGA2005-ARKA
IFM Vietnam IB0016   
IFM Vietnam II5465  
IFM Vietnam IG5554 
IFM Vietnam DI5003
IFM Vietnam DI5001 
IFM Vietnam IG5399
IFM Vietnam IG5584 (IGA 3005 BPKG/BS)
IFM Vietnam IG511A   (old: IG505A)              
IFM Vietnam TT1250                         
IFM Vietnam TR2432
IFM Vietnam DD2001   
IFM Vietnam DI503A 
IFM Vietnam SI5000 
IFM Vietnam AC5000   
IFM Vietnam code: SI2200
instead of: SI6700
IFM Vietnam code: TN7530
replace by: TN7531    
IFM Vietnam IB0016    
IFM Vietnam code: E11223
instead of: EVT135
IFM Vietnam AC2505
IFM Vietnam AC2500
IFM Vietnam AC2516
IFM Vietnam AC1335
IFM Vietnam DI5004  

List hàng IFM Vietnam | SF5350+E40099 | IFM sensor Việt Nam

IFM Vietnam DI5001
IFM Vietnam IG0006 
IFM Vietnam PF2658 
IFM Vietnam DI6001
IFM Vietnam II5284 
IFM Vietnam code: SI1000
instead of: SI5000
IFM Vietnam IGT 203
IFM Vietnam IFT 203
IFM Vietnam IG5584
IFM Vietnam code: SF2000
instead of: SF5350+E40099  
IFM Vietnam II0011 IIA2010-ABOA 
IFM Vietnam IG5398 IGA3008-BPKG  
IFM Vietnam II5489 IIA2010-FRKG
IFM Vietnam IGT200
IFM Vietnam IGT201
IFM Vietnam IG0054
IFM Vietnam ST0570
IFM Vietnam E10662
IFM Vietnam E10700
IFM Vietnam SI5010
IFM Vietnam IFS21A
IFM Vietnam IE5260 
IFM Vietnam  SI 2200 Discontinued;replacement code:SI6700
IFM Vietnam  SI 5006
IFM Vietnam  IN5225
IFM Vietnam  IG0011
IFM Vietnam  IGC222
IFM Vietnam  IG5846
IFM Vietnam  PN 5001                  
IFM Vietnam  PN 5002
IFM Vietnam  PN 5003
IFM Vietnam  PN 5004
IFM Vietnam  TN7530  Discontinued;replacement code:TN7531
IFM Vietnam  IFS208
IFM Vietnam  IGT20A
IFM Vietnam  SM6001
IFM Vietnam  OJ5126 
IFM Vietnam  OGB200
IFM Vietnam  EVC004  
IFM Vietnam  DI5004
IFM Vietnam  IG5916
IFM Vietnam  Model: IA5083
Inductive sensor
Plastic housing Ø 20 mm
IFM Vietnam  IN5230;IN-3002-BPKG/AS
IFM Vietnam  code: IS 5088;IS-3002-BPOG
Correct Code: IS5035; IS-3002-BPOG/AS-510
IFM Vietnam  OG5115 (discontinued code);
replacement code:OGP300 (Dark on )
IFM Vietnam  Model: 05H500 05H-FPKG/US  
IFM Vietnam  OL 5003 
IFM Vietnam  ID 5046  
IFM Vietnam  IGS 205

List hàng IFM Vietnam | II0011 IIA2010-ABOA | IFM sensor Việt Nam

IFM Vietnam IGT 203
IFM Vietnam IGT200
IFM Vietnam IGT201
IFM Vietnam  IGT202
IFM Vietnam IGT20A
IFM Vietnam IGT20A
IFM Vietnam  IGT20A
IFM Vietnam  IGT20A 
IFM Vietnam II0011
IFM Vietnam II0011 IIA2010-ABOA 
IFM Vietnam II001A
(replacement type for II000A)
IFM Vietnam II0095
IFM Vietnam II0097
IFM Vietnam  II3G EExnA II T6x, No.: IGT 20A
IFM Vietnam  II5256 (II A3010-BPKG)
IFM Vietnam II5284 
IFM Vietnam II5465  
IFM Vietnam II5489 IIA2010-FRKG
IFM Vietnam  II5492 (IIA2015 FRKG/US)
IFM Vietnam II5742
IFM Vietnam  II5829 
IFM Vietnam II5910
IFM Vietnam  II5910
IFM Vietnam IIT205
IFM Vietnam IM0011
IFM Vietnam IM002A
IFM Vietnam  IM5020 (IME3015-BFPKG) ;3 wires
IFM Vietnam IM5115
IFM Vietnam IM5134
IFM Vietnam IM5136
IFM Vietnam  IME 2015 BFBOA (IM0011).
IFM Vietnam  IME 2015BFBOA (IM0011).
IFM Vietnam  IN5225 (IDN 300 4DPBKG/US)
IFM Vietnam  IN5230;IN-3002-BPKG/AS
IFM Vietnam  IN5327 
IFM Vietnam  Inductive sensor MK5059
IFM Vietnam Inductive sensors IF5646
IFM Vietnam KB 5014 KB-3020-BPKG INT
IFM Vietnam  KF5001 
IFM Vietnam  Không code
IFM Vietnam  KI0017
IFM Vietnam KI5065
IFM Vietnam  LK8124
IFM Vietnam  Model: 05H500 05H-FPKG/US  
IFM Vietnam Sensors  Model: IA5083
IFM Vietnam  Model: IA5083
Inductive sensor
Plastic housing Ø 20 mm
IFM Vietnam  NI5002 (IIA2010-N/1D/2G)
IFM Vietnam  O1D100  (O1DLF2KG)  
IFM Vietnam O5H500

List hàng IFM Vietnam | PA3021, 0-250BAR,4-20mA. | IFM sensor Việt Nam

IFM Vietnam  OG5115 (discontinued code);
replacement code:OGP300 (Dark on )
IFM Vietnam  OGB200
IFM Vietnam OGT 500
IFM Vietnam OGT501
IFM Vietnam OI5001
IFM Vietnam OJ5030
IFM Vietnam OJ5031
IFM Vietnam OJ5048
IFM Vietnam  OJ5048
IFM Vietnam OJ5071
IFM Vietnam  OJ5126 
IFM Vietnam  OL 5003 
IFM Vietnam PA3021, 0-250BAR,4-20mA. 
IFM Vietnam  PE 3006: IFM 
IFM Vietnam  PE 7006: IFM 
IFM Vietnam  PE3004
IFM Vietnam PF2658 
IFM Vietnam  PI 2054      
IFM Vietnam  PI 2098: IFM 
IFM Vietnam  PI2093
IFM Vietnam  PI2094
IFM Vietnam  PI2097
IFM Vietnam  PI2098
IFM Vietnam  PI7094
IFM Vietnam PN014A
IFM Vietnam PN2024
IFM Vietnam  PN2024
IFM Vietnam  PN2222
IFM Vietnam  PN2224
IFM Vietnam  PN5006
IFM Vietnam  PN5201
IFM Vietnam  PN5204
IFM Vietnam  PN5206               
IFM Vietnam  PN5209 *** Unknown
IFM Vietnam PN7006
IFM Vietnam  PN7200
IFM Vietnam  PN7201
IFM Vietnam  PN7204
IFM Vietnam  PN7209
IFM Vietnam  Pressure Switch
IFM Vietnam  Proximity switch
IFM Vietnam RA6015
IFM Vietnam  Sensor ap suat : PI 2098_Itm
IFM Vietnam SI 1000 SID 10ABFPKG/US 100  
IFM Vietnam  SI 2200    (IFM Sensor Si2200)
IFM Vietnam  SI 5000   (IFM Sensor Si5000) 
IFM Vietnam SI2200
instead of: SI6700
IFM Vietnam SI5000
IFM Vietnam  SI5000
IFM Vietnam  SI5000

List hàng IFM Vietnam | TR-...KDBR12-MFRKG/US/....../V | IFM sensor Việt Nam

IFM Vietnam Temperature sensor  TN2531
IFM Vietnam  Temperature sensor TN7530  Discontinued;replacement code:TN7531
IFM Vietnam Sensors  Temperature sensor TN7530  Discontinued;replacement code:TN7531
IFM Vietnam Temp. sensor                 TR-...KDBR12-MFRKG/US/....../V               
IFM Vietnam 05H500 05H FPKG/US
IFM Vietnam  05P200 
IFM Vietnam 05S500
IFM Vietnam  AC 1216 
IFM Vietnam  AC 2027: IFM 
IFM Vietnam  AC 2505 
IFM Vietnam  AC 2508 
IFM Vietnam  AC 5000 
IFM Vietnam  AC 5003 
IFM Vietnam  AC1216
IFM Vietnam AC1335
IFM Vietnam  AC1335
IFM Vietnam  AC1335 
IFM Vietnam  AC1375
IFM Vietnam  AC2027
IFM Vietnam  AC2027 
IFM Vietnam  AC2257
IFM Vietnam AC2500
IFM Vietnam AC2505
IFM Vietnam  AC2505
IFM Vietnam  AC2505 
IFM Vietnam  AC2509
IFM Vietnam  AC2509 
IFM Vietnam AC2516
IFM Vietnam  AC3000
IFM Vietnam  AC3000 
IFM Vietnam AC5000   
IFM Vietnam  AC5000 
IFM Vietnam  AC5003 
IFM Vietnam  AC5005 
IFM Vietnam  AC5007 
IFM Vietnam  AC5031 
IFM Vietnam Adaptor, 3/4"NPT M18,
IFM Vietnam code: E11223
instead of: EVT135

List hàng IFM Vietnam | TN7531 | IFM sensor Việt Nam

IFM Vietnam  code: IS 5088;IS-3002-BPOG
Correct Code: IS5035; IS-3002-BPOG/AS-510
IFM Vietnam code: SF2000
instead of: SF5350+E40099  
IFM Vietnam code: SI1000
instead of: SI5000
IFM Vietnam code: SI2200
instead of: SI6700
IFM Vietnam code: TN7530
replace by: TN7531    
IFM Vietnam code: TN7530
IFM Vietnam  CR0505
IFM Vietnam  DD0001
IFM Vietnam DD0001
IFM Vietnam DD2001   
IFM Vietnam DI 5001/ DIA3010-ZPKG
IFM Vietnam  DI 5001/ DIA3010-ZPKG
IFM Vietnam DI5001
IFM Vietnam DI5001 
IFM Vietnam  DI5001 (DIA3010-ZPKG)
IFM Vietnam DI5003
IFM Vietnam  DI5004
IFM Vietnam DI5004  
IFM Vietnam  DI501A DIA3010-ZPKG
IFM Vietnam DI503A 
IFM Vietnam DI6001
IFM Vietnam  DIA3010-ZPKG
IFM Vietnam DR2005
IFM Vietnam E10662
IFM Vietnam E10700
IFM Vietnam E20005
IFM Vietnam E20454 
IFM Vietnam E21159 
IFM Vietnam EVC003
IFM Vietnam  EVC004  
IFM Vietnam  EVC008
IFM Vietnam Flow switch
IFM Vietnam  Frequency Converter
24VDC, Configurable Input And Output
IFM Vietnam GG505S
IFM Vietnam  GG505S
IFM Vietnam IA0032
IFM Vietnam  IA0032
IFM Vietnam  IA0032 (IAE2010-FBOA)
IFM Vietnam  IA0032IAE2010-FBOA
IFM Vietnam IA5045 - IA 3010 - BPKG
IFM Vietnam  IB 5063 
IFM Vietnam IB0016   
IFM Vietnam IB0016    
IFM Vietnam IB5063
IFM Vietnam  IB5063

List hàng IFM Vietnam | B5065 - IB 3020 - BPKG | IFM sensor Việt Nam

IFM Vietnam  IB5063
IFM Vietnam IB5063-IBE3020-FPKG
IFM Vietnam IB5065 - IB 3020 - BPKG
IFM Vietnam  IC5005
IFM Vietnam  ID 5046  
IFM Vietnam  ID5005
IFM Vietnam  ID500A 
IFM Vietnam  IE5082-IEB3001 ANOG
IFM Vietnam IE5260 
IFM Vietnam IF5188
IFM Vietnam IF5329 - IFA 3004 - BPKG
IFM Vietnam  IFC200
IFM Vietnam IFC204  
IFM Vietnam  IFS208
IFM Vietnam IFS21A
IFM Vietnam IFT 203
IFM Vietnam IFT202
IFM Vietnam  IFT202
IFM Vietnam IFT203
IFM Vietnam IFT206
IFM Vietnam  IFT206
IFM Vietnam IFT207
IFM Vietnam  IFT207
IFM Vietnam IG 5497 
IFM Vietnam IG0006 
IFM Vietnam  IG0011
IFM Vietnam IG0054
IFM Vietnam IG0092
IFM Vietnam IG0400 IGA2005-ARKA
IFM Vietnam IG500A/IGA3008-BPKGA/55V/3D
IFM Vietnam IG511A   (old: IG505A)              
IFM Vietnam IG5398 IGA3008-BPKG  
IFM Vietnam IG5399
IFM Vietnam IG5554 
IFM Vietnam IG5584
IFM Vietnam IG5584 (IGA 3005 BPKG/BS)
IFM Vietnam  IG5712
IFM Vietnam  IG5846
IFM Vietnam  IG5916
IFM Vietnam IG5916 
IFM Vietnam IG83008-BPKG/US  sensor   IFM
IFM Vietnam  IGB3005 – APOG/US (IG5495).
IFM Vietnam  IGB3005-APOG/US
IFM Vietnam  IGC222
IFM Vietnam IGS 200
IFM Vietnam  IGS 205
IFM Vietnam IGS 250
IFM Vietnam IGS204 
IFM Vietnam IGS205